"The best way to connect two points is
always and only the longest route with the most curves!"
Nanni Tamiatto
Bitumenduro is a contradiction of terms that you will certainly not find in any dictionary of the Italian language, even the most up-to-date, but which means roads that are not necessarily broken and full of potholes but rather "twisted", "curved", narrow and even a little dirty, with little or no traffic, in short "different roads" and many times "forgotten"!
Roads where the important thing is not the point of departure or the point of arrival or the fact that "you have to" find a good restaurant (if there is better); roads where you certainly will not find meetings for lovers of the "knee to the ground" and their straggling and where it will be impossible to go with the gas hammer with the high gears; roads where the 160 and more horses you do not do anything.
Roads that you have to search for with patience and sometimes even invent, roads where your memories will be made not only by the views but above all, if not only, by the ups and downs and the sequence of curves that you had to do!
Passo dei Carpinelli in Via Statale 445
For information on routes, excursions, tours, tips on places and restaurants, commercial, organisational and logistical information:
mail to Tiziano: info@motorradtoskana.it
mobile +39 348 8140275 (Tiziano)
Other contacts: webmaster@motorradtoskana.it
GPS – LAT 44°12’7” LONG 10°13’37’
VAT IT01507360467